
Course Number: CS 356
Course Title: Object-Oriented Design and Programming
Semester/Year: Fall 2014

Dr. Yu Sun - email

Staff: N/A
Office Location: 8-42
Office Hours: Tue/Thu 3pm-4pm;or email for an appointment

10:30 am - 11:35 am, MWF, 8-348

Objectives and Methodology

This course offers a survey and training of Object-Oriented (OO) design and programming principles, techniques and practices. In this course, you will be motivated to think and model problems in OO way, and solve problems using the OO principles, design patterns and practical OO libraries and tools. The main goal of the course is to teach you how to write more extensible, reusable, and maintainable code, and aid you in the ability to construct better software that meets industry standards.


More information about the course's schedule.


You should be comfortable writing code in Java. In addition, if you have not had the equivalent prerequisite of CS 241, you are advised to take it first.


All the course materials will be given in slides and available to download after each lecture. No textbook is required. The following books are recommended to read that are helpful for some of the key topics related with this course.

More information about the course's readings.

Course Work

There will be NO midterm or final exams for this course.

Programming Assignments

There will be 3 programming assignments that illustrate the value of good OO design and implementation techniques on the software lifecycle.

To encourage you to write well-designed software, we reserve the right to change the assignment specifications at any point before the due date. Expect this to happen at least once during the semester. If you have written your program in a modular fashion the changes will be trivial to implement.

The programs will be graded using the following criteria:


There will be a short graded quiz at the beginning of class each Monday (total 8 quizzes, except the first and last week). The quizzes will fully be based on material presented in class in the past week. It is therefore essential that you attend class in order to prepare for the quizzes. There will be no “makeup'' quizzes unless you ask permission from me before the quiz. The relative weighting of each portion of the course is presented below:

Letter Grade

A 90.00
B+ 85.00
B 80.00
C+ 75.00
C 70.00
D+ 65.00
D 60.00

Honor Code

Each student is to do his or her own work. This means that you are not to seek out the help of other students (or give help, if asked) in order to solve specific problems of your homework assignments. It also means that you should not sign up for mailing lists and ask for detailed help from others on the Internet. Of course, you may discuss generalities about an assignment with your fellow students. If you are unsure of what is permitted, in terms of discussing an assignment problem, please ask me for clarification.


If you have any disability that would put you at a disadvantage in performing an assignment, please meet with me privately to discuss ways in which I can assist you as you perform the required work in this course.


You are expected to arrive on time so that you do not cause a disruption in the middle of class. I would like to start the class at the scheduled time. If you cannot make it on time for some reason, please let me know. Persistent tardiness will be noted.